
February 28, 2023

My classmates are so slow that I built two Arduino projects while they were stuck with one complaining how theirs wouldn't work. I am way too good. They had grouping and I was alone. I am writing this with pettiness but I do not care. The skill difference is insane. I shouldn't act like this but I can't help it because they left me alone. That doesn't justify anything and the only explanation to why I'm acting like this is really just because I'm a petty person.
I love our English teacher. She really redeemed herself. I am glad I am no longer anxious in attending her class but now I am of Science. How weird is that.
I broke a Rubik's Cube in class today because I was speedcubing. I'm too cool for anyone. Sirko also messaged me this picture of Lily Chee and told me I looked so much like her so that's an ego boost worth mentioning. She's been saying that for the past 3 years and I'm taking it and running. I do get compliments but as I've already said in the past (I think I've said it before), I can't differentiate genuine compliments from flattery.
